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Where I occasionally write about topics like .NET, DevOps, Open Source, Azure, etc.

Introducing Devlead.Testing.MockHttp

There are undoubtedly many sophisticated and comprehensive solutions out there for mocking HTTP requests in .NET applications. However, I found myself with a very specific need: I wanted a lightweight, low-friction way to mock third-party HTTP APIs within my unit tests, without a lot of ceremony or complexity. I needed something that was "good enough" for my use case, providing in-memory request/response simulation that would let me validate my HTTP client interactions.


Preparing for .NET 9

.NET 9 is just around the corner with the General Availability (GA) release scheduled for November 2024. The .NET 9 RC 1 (released September 10, 2024) already comes with a Go-Live license, meaning it’s supported by Microsoft for use in production environments.


Introducing Blobify

I recently needed a seamless and efficient way to recursively archive and move local files to Azure Blob Storage with relative folder structure intact. That’s why I wrote Blobify, a .NET global tool that simplifies the process of transferring files from a local directory to an Azure Blob Storage container.