Introducing Devlead.Testing.MockHttp

There are undoubtedly many sophisticated and comprehensive solutions out there for mocking HTTP requests in .NET applications. However, I found myself with a very specific need: I wanted a lightweight, low-friction way to mock third-party HTTP APIs within my unit tests, without a lot of ceremony or complexity. I needed something that was "good enough" for my use case, providing in-memory request/response simulation that would let me validate my HTTP client interactions.


Joining the .NET Foundation Board of Directors

Yesterday the .NET Foundation announced the results from the 2021 Board of Directors Election. An election where the Foundation's members choose who they want to represent them on the board and this election set out to fill four out of seven seats.


Introducing Cake ClickOnce Recipe

A little over a decade ago I did a lot of business applications with .NET Framework WPF and ClickOnce was in many cases used as a convenient way to deploy and update Windows applications. ClickOnce hasn't gotten much love over the years, and when .NET Core 3 introduced support for WPF applications ClickOnce support was nowhere to be found. But guess what, that's changed with .NET 5 and in this post, I'll go through my recipe for simplifying the building and publishing .NET 5 Windows application using GitHub Actions, Cake, and ClickOnce to Azure Blob Storage.


My preferred .NET console stack

There's type of application that has followed me since I learned to code in the mid-'80s, and that's the console application. For years they looked the same a Main(string[] args) and some naive inconsistent command line parser. That gradually improved with the adoption of various OSS helper libraries. In this post, I'll walk through what today is my alternative starting point to dotnet new console, a way that greatly reduces the boilerplate code needed for logging, parsing, and validation of arguments, letting me focus on the problem to solve and not the plumbing.