Introducing Cake ClickOnce Recipe
A little over a decade ago I did a lot of business applications with .NET Framework WPF and ClickOnce was in many cases used as a convenient way to deploy and update Windows applications. ClickOnce hasn't gotten much love over the years, and when .NET Core 3 introduced support for WPF applications ClickOnce support was nowhere to be found. But guess what, that's changed with .NET 5 and in this post, I'll go through my recipe for simplifying the building and publishing .NET 5 Windows application using GitHub Actions, Cake, and ClickOnce to Azure Blob Storage.
Introducing Cake Bridge Dependency Injection
A couple of years ago I blogged Dispelling the magic!, a post explaining the internals of the Cake build orchestration tool, with that post as a proof of concept I created Cake.Bridge assembly which provided an easy way from any .NET language get access to Cake abstractions and addins from a single instance static class.
Cake.Kudu.Client version 0.6.0 released
This version fixes a breaking change in the Azure App Services Run-From-Zip web app deployment feature.
Deploying .NET Core to Azure using Bitrise and Cake
Originally published at