Welcome to my blog 👋 (Page 4)

Where I occasionally write about topics like .NET, DevOps, Open Source, Azure, etc.

Joining the .NET Foundation Board of Directors

Yesterday the .NET Foundation announced the results from the 2021 Board of Directors Election. An election where the Foundation's members choose who they want to represent them on the board and this election set out to fill four out of seven seats.


Devlead.Statiq - Part 3 - IncludeCode 🤺

So I'm lazy... when doing a blog post, or documentation I don't want to repeat my self, and a prime example of that is when documenting Statiq features I found my self to want to both display both the "source" and the "result" without having to type the same thing twice nor update in multiple places and that's why I created the IncludeCode Shortcode and in this last of the three-part introductory blog post series about the NuGet package Devlead.Statiq I'll tell you all about it.


Devlead.Statiq - Part 2 - Theme from external web resource

Sometimes you just want things your way, in this second part of the three-part introductory blog post series about the NuGet package Devlead.Statiq, I'll go through how it can enable having your Statiq web theme reside as a common external web resource.