Welcome to my blog 👋 (Page 5)

Where I occasionally write about topics like .NET, DevOps, Open Source, Azure, etc.

Devlead.Statiq - Part 1 - Tabs

Earlier this year I blogged about that my "Blog migrated to Statiq", one advantage with Statiq is that it's through .NET code really customizable and lets you adapt it fully to your needs. Code that can be packaged and distributed as a NuGet package, making it straightforward to share and reuse functionality between sites.

In a three-part blog post series, I'll start going through the features of the NuGet package Devlead.Statiq created for my own Statiq based sites - but probably useful for others too, and this first part will be about the TabGroup Shortcode.


Introducing DPI

When brought in as DevOps consultant or a new employee for that matter, one is often tasked with getting a clear picture of the current state of projects, how they work and fit together.

A big part of this initial and ongoing is to analyze and audit dependencies, which is why I've created dpi a tool that both locally and as part of your DevOps pipeline can analyze your repository projects dependencies and report to Azure Log Analytics, console, and files.


Introducing Cake ClickOnce Recipe

A little over a decade ago I did a lot of business applications with .NET Framework WPF and ClickOnce was in many cases used as a convenient way to deploy and update Windows applications. ClickOnce hasn't gotten much love over the years, and when .NET Core 3 introduced support for WPF applications ClickOnce support was nowhere to be found. But guess what, that's changed with .NET 5 and in this post, I'll go through my recipe for simplifying the building and publishing .NET 5 Windows application using GitHub Actions, Cake, and ClickOnce to Azure Blob Storage.