Introducing Cake ClickOnce Recipe
A little over a decade ago I did a lot of business applications with .NET Framework WPF and ClickOnce was in many cases used as a convenient way to deploy and update Windows applications. ClickOnce hasn't gotten much love over the years, and when .NET Core 3 introduced support for WPF applications ClickOnce support was nowhere to be found. But guess what, that's changed with .NET 5 and in this post, I'll go through my recipe for simplifying the building and publishing .NET 5 Windows application using GitHub Actions, Cake, and ClickOnce to Azure Blob Storage.
My preferred .NET console stack
There's type of application that has followed me since I learned to code in the mid-'80s, and that's the console application. For years they looked the same a Main(string[] args)
and some naive inconsistent command line parser. That gradually improved with the adoption of various OSS helper libraries. In this post, I'll walk through what today is my alternative starting point to dotnet new console
, a way that greatly reduces the boilerplate code needed for logging, parsing, and validation of arguments, letting me focus on the problem to solve and not the plumbing.
Introducing Cake Bridge Dependency Injection
A couple of years ago I blogged Dispelling the magic!, a post explaining the internals of the Cake build orchestration tool, with that post as a proof of concept I created Cake.Bridge assembly which provided an easy way from any .NET language get access to Cake abstractions and addins from a single instance static class.
Blog migrated to Statiq
Since 2016 I've been using Medium as my platform of choice, this is not a rage quit from the platform, I'll keep posting on Medium, the difference is that the main source for my posts will be on my own canonical domain, where I've got full access and control over my words.
Just an environment variable away from sleep
It’s a quarter past midnight, you should be going to sleep, but there’s that one unit test that fails only on GitHub Action macOS build agent — it’s mocking you so you stay awake just a bit longer…
Cake.Kudu.Client version 0.6.0 released
This version fixes a breaking change in the Azure App Services Run-From-Zip web app deployment feature.
Deploying .NET Core to Azure using Bitrise and Cake
Originally published at
Polyfill with PowerShell
When writing scripts, targeting multiple runtime versions can be really painful, scripts can be forked in different files or contain hairy conditional statements to handle differences/missing between versions of PowerShell runtime/modules, resulting in unreadable and unmaintainable spaghetti code.